Marketing on the Fly at the Host Conference
Yesterday we got up in front of an amazing crowd at the 2012 Host Conference to talk about Mobile Marketing – “Marketing on the Fly”.
We were accompanied by Chris Dadson from Kootenay Rockies Tourism who added his experience in building an interactive app for visitors to the Kootenay region.
The Host Conference is BC’s largest travel and tourism event every year, and this time around they wanted to get some people to tell them all about this Mobile Web thing.
As we do, we really got into what we were talking about, and we had to rock through the final section of the presentation, which was our 10 takeaways to mobilize your marketing, we’re posting each of them with some extra detail here.
We’ve also included our entire presentation at the bottom of this page. Feel free to review it, share it and if you have any questions, shoot them to @JunctionYVR or email
10 Ways to Mobilize your Marketing
[accordion_group][accordion title=”1. Optimize your site for mobile search engines”]
Mobile searchers use shorter key phrases and mobile engines display shorter meta data. Limit meta descriptions to 90 characters instead of the regular 160.
[/accordion][accordion title=”2. Optimize your site for a better mobile experience”]
Every link on the site should be clickable by thumb. Simplify page structure and navigation menu – people don’t need to see all of the pages in your site, just the important ones.
[/accordion][accordion title=”3. Create and fill out your Google Place.”]
Even if they don’t seem perfectly relevant, fill out all of the fields that are available.
[/accordion][accordion title=”4. Drive reviews to your Google Place.”]
Your place’s ranking will increase dramatically after 5 reviews get there as soon as possible.
[/accordion][accordion title=”5. Optimize your social profiles for mobile.”]
Include geographic details and implement Facebook click to call.
[/accordion][accordion title=”6. Make your Facebook Page a Local Business.”]
Facebook offers a bunch of categories for pages, only Local Businesses get found in maps. Go to Update Info – Category to make the change.
[/accordion][accordion title=”7. Engage with your local community on social media.”]
People tag their location in their messaging more often than any other piece of information. Find those messages and interact with them.
[/accordion][accordion title=”8. Implement click to call on search ads.”]
Click to Call drives business.
[/accordion][accordion title=”9. Implement a mobile-friendly booking engine.”]
Whatever your booking solution is, look into its mobile capability and optimize the user experience.
[/accordion][accordion title=”10. Get started with mobile analytics.”]
This one’s Free! Google analytics has a ton of mobile data – start in the Audience – Mobile section to find out how many of your visitors are using mobile devices.
Thanks again everyone,
@Conner_G and @RFWhyte
Want to start a conversation about how Junction can help your business? Give us a call: 604-505-0444 or email us: