This week Junction’s wrapping up several really interesting a projects with even more fascinating businesses, so we couldn’t help but use this space to share some of the things we’ve learned from working with them, because we believe these lessons can apply to just about everyone.

You may remember earlier this year we announced that we were certified as official advisors in the Canadian Digital Adoption Program. It’s a grant that matches small and medium businesses with consultants to build their digital capacity, creating stronger businesses and better customer experiences.

In our first flight of projects, the clients ranged from one of BC’s longest-running adventure tour companies, to a farm that has grown to include a restaurant, hotel, thriving e-commerce shop, and even its very own cidery. Each partner has been incredible to work with, and each project allowed us to dig into new and exciting challenges. Here are just a few of the simple lessons that are already creating major impacts:

In several cases, our partners were doing an excellent job of posting content, running ads, and generally introducing themselves to the world. Where we’ve found huge opportunities for immediate gains is in the way that they leverage technology to continue that high quality experience throughout, and beyond the purchase. That can look like simple CRM implementations, email automation, and processes that help to earn reviews and referrals.

There are so many channels, tactics, and choices for where to spend our time and resources that we can all find ourselves doing a little of this and a little of that. In our work we’ve found that every business has one (or maybe two) channels that are delivering significantly more value than the rest, so the best thing to do is maximize that channel before moving on to any new shiny thing.

As businesses grow, we tend to add on a piece of software here and an app there. Each one on its own may be a fantastic piece of technology, but together they can create an expensive, redundant mess that causes more problems than it solves. Every once in a while it’s important to look at all of the tech that we’re using and ask whether all of the various pieces are really serving us, and which would actually make our lives easier by leaving.

The most common limitation for most marketers and owners is time. We all have lots of ideas for blog posts, email newsletters, SEO-friendly content, sales materials, training guides, and internal communications, but we don’t have the time to create them. We’ve been helping our partners to 10X their productivity with easy-to-use AI tools and prompt patterns.

The best part is that the program is just getting started. Right now we’re in the process of booking our next set of projects, so if you think your business could benefit from accelerating your own digital adoption, we’d love to hear about it — use this link to book a 30-minute call, or send any questions you have to

PS: Curious to know who those amazing partner businesses are and what they’re up to? We recently shared specifics on our IG – @HeyJunction

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