We’re a month in from Instagram’s blatant “me too” moment where they straight up ripped off Snapchat’s Stories feature, publicly admitted it, and didn’t seem to GAF about what anyone said about it.

So, is anyone using it? Very much yes.

Anecdotally: It’s not as much fun.

Hardcore Snapchat users say that Instagram Stories feel like more work and come off as more serious than their Snap counterparts (Snapperparts?).

The general public, however? Not so much.

Insta just reported that 100 million people per day are creating stories. That’s 1/3 of their daily user base. That’s insane.

Oh, and that throw-away data I mentioned that you totally shouldn’t make major life decisions based on?

Nearly every “influencer” I’ve talked to is telling me that he/she has migrated at least some of his/her content to Instagram since the release and plans to post even more because it “just gets more eyeballs.”

Sorry Snap-Squad, this could be trouble.

Want to know more about Insta Stories? The crew over at TNW put together an awesome rundown complete with video demos and a killer clickbait headline.

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