Sometimes it’s nice to see the anti-Instagram side of social media winning for a minute.

(Wait, does Conner hate Instagram?)

Not at all, but what I do have a problem with is the fact that the show-off-for-likes nature of the platform has shifted the way that a lot of channels run: Instead of being about the social side of things, they seem to be  regressing to a one-way conversation.

That was supposed to have been the revolutionary thing about social media, that it would create an accountable two-way conversation where large organizations were accountable to their audience, and that we all had a shot at an equal say.

Which is why I love seeing campaigns that show the people off, rather than just the brand, starting to win again.

Here are a few recent gems that make me proud to be a part of the Super Squad

PowerPuff Yourself

The PowerPuff Girls are back, and instead of blasting us with images to double-tap, they’ve chosen to make the story about the people who love the brand. Right now, you can go onto and it will create your own little PowerPuff character to share on your channels.

#GunsOut Safety Campaign

Kids hate being preached to, but they love posting photos of themselves.

A non-profit group set out to convince University Presidents to adopt a resolution to block the carrying of weapons on campus and in classrooms, so they kicked off this campaign. The message is simple, but powerful, and the effect has been dramatic. According to their site, they’ve seen dozens of campuses switch their positions because of the support.

The only guns I want on college campuses are the ones that you can flex ???????? Join me and @dosomething in taking a stand for gun violence prevention this month by taking a photo of you flexing your arm, posting it to social media and tagging your school administration with #GunsOut. Get all of the info you need to take action and sign up for #GunsOut by texting FLEX to 38383 ????????

A photo posted by Monique Coleman (@_moniquecoleman) on

BBC #100Women

The BBC kicked of a content series focusing on Womens’ stories this March. Again, rather than the standard “show pictures of inspiring women” content strategy, they asked their followers for their own stories of powerful women, by telling them through the hashtag.

Now, the BBC is publishing back into the hashtag with its own stories and content that people can then continue to share and spread to their friends.

I really am optimistic that we’re turning the corner back to a place where content and channels really are social. I’d love to hear about more examples, ideas, or even missed opportunities. If you have one, let me know: @Conner_G<, or @JunctionYVR.

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