The J Who Makes Junction Look Good

Over the past several weeks the Junction team has had the incredible luxury of working with graphic designer Jacinta Caughlan. We met her through Twitter and have been impressed with her work right from her school portfolio to the way that she’s produced for our clients.
More than that, she has been a pleasure to work with, and today is her Birthday so we want to take this opportunity to show off some of the kickass work that she’s created in the short time that she’s been working with (tolerating) us:
Reef Point Cottages Facebook Page welcome tab:
Intended to give visitors a quick impression fo the cottages and the surrounding area, this image does exactly that. Jacinta was given only the objective and a folder of images and this is what she produced. The feedback has been positive and Page likes are up 22% since it was implemented.
Experiment in Terror – Red Fox, By Karina Halle Reviews Page:
This is her most recent work and it features a local author who has self-published a series of novels. Jacinta was also responsible for the last novel’s images, which helped to triple the page’s Likes and grow the engagement on the page a similar amount. This one does a fantastic job of showcasing the reviewers ‘ comments while keeping the reader in the novel’s aesthetic.
Discovery Salon Website slider images:
Discovery Salon may have been Jacinta’s most challenging task, and one of her first. She was given a nearly 0 branding, no budget for new branding, and very few images. From that deck, she was asked to create images for a website that would give visitors a positive brand experience and encourage them to become visitors to the spa. Her bosses are a designer’s nightmare, right? She pulled it off and drastically improved the site’s look and feel on her own.
We’ve barely started to tap into Jacinta’s talent and can’t wait to see what she’s capable of when we do.
BTW – I recommend that only the world’s biggest typographigeeks click on any of the above images.
Jacinta: Click away.
Happy Birthday J!